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петак, 30. мај 2014.

4# Talenti- antogranoro

Hellou. Evo me sa 4. postom u mojoj rubrici. Danas ću da pišem o jednom poznatom dizajneru tj. o antogranoru. Šta znamo o njemu: Dolazi iz Italije, 65 lvl je, trenutno je ss, ima jaaaako puno nagrada. Sad, po tradiciji, prvo njegovi dizajni, pa nagrade itd. itd. xD

 Zaprevo ima ih joooš mnooogo, ali ja bih se smorila kad bih ih sve stavila u ovaj post (tj. treba to kopirati, desni klik, copy image, pa u post paste image itd. itd. i to tako 100 puta). Ovi mi se najviše sviđaju. A sad nagrade (kopirala sam iz prezentacije):

29/07/2013 National Coverboy
20/08/2013 5th place Covergirl

21/08/2013 4th place Covergirl

23/08/2013 4th place Covergirl

25/08/2013 3rd place Covergirl

29/08/2013 National Coverboy

28/09/2013 5th place Covergirl

29/09/2013 National Coverboy

09/10/2013 5th place Covergirl

19/10/2013 5th place Covergirl

20/10/2013 4th place Covergirl

21/10/2013 3rd place Covergirl

22/10/2013 4th place Covergirl

23/10/2013 2nd place Covergirl

24/10/2013 5th place Covergirl
27/10/2013 1st place Covergirl
29/10/2013 National Coverboy
01/01/2014 National Coverboy
01/01/2014 3nd place Covergirl


18/07/2013 3rd place Best Scenery
27/07/2013 5th place Best Scenery
2nd place Best Scenery29/07/2013 2nd place Best Scenery
31/07/2013 2nd place Best Scenery
01/08/2013 2nd place Best Scenery
09/08/2013 3rd place Best Scenery

12/08/2013 1st place Best Scenery

21/10/2013 4th place Best Scenery
22/10/2013 4th place Best Scenery
25/10/2013 4th place Best Scenery
27/10/2013 5th place Best Scenery
06/11/2013 4th place Best Scenery
08/11/2013 4th place Best Scenery


Since 11/08/2013 at 30/08/2013 1st place Starmovie
09/10/2013 3rd place Starmovie
11/10/2013 4th place Starmovie

22/10/2013 3rd place Starmovie

23/10/2013 2nd place Starmovie

25/10/2013 2nd place Starmovie

28/10/2013 3rd place Starmovie

06/11/2013 5rd place Starmovie
11/11/2013 4th place Starmovie
02/01/2014 4th place Starmovie

20/08/2013 5th place Best Album
15/10/2013 5th place Best Album22/10/2013 3rd place Best Album
29/10/2013 2nd place Best Album

05/11/2013 1st place Best Album

07/01/2013 4th place Best Album


30/07/2013 1st place Party Planner
fashion:SINCE 18/08/2013 AT 28/08/2013 TOP FASHION DESIGNER
SINCE 15/09/2013 AT 25/11/2013 TOP FASHION DESIGNER

SINCE 25/12/2013 AT 11/01/2014 TOP FASHION DESIGNER

25/09/2013 4,5,3nd places Best fashion design
09/01/2014 7,3,4nd places Best fashion design
interior:SINCE 11/08/2013 AT 21/08/2013 TOP INTERIOR DESIGNER
SINCE 21/09/2013 AT 27/09/2013 TOP INTERIOR DESIGNER
17/10/2013 7,4,2nd places Best interior design

hair:SINCE 31/12/2013 AT ??/??/2014 TOP HAIR DESIGNER
28/09/2013 9,8,4th places Best hair design

31/10/2013 9,7,6th places Best hair design
01/11/2013 9th places Best hair design17/01/2014 1st place Best hair design
18/01/2014 1st place Best hair design

16/09/2013 Semi-finalist MSW Italy

THE VOTE:17/11/2013 114th places
31/01/2014 488th places
04/02/2014 533th places

Eeeeh, pa ja bih se smorila kad bih to morala da prepisujem -.- . No dobro sad je red na vas. Kako vam se čini antogranoro? Da li vam se sviđaju njegovi dizajni? Komentarišite :)

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